
Dare to be yourself, no apologies needed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mr Exercise and Me.

I will say it, I will shout it, I will put it on a banner in Times Square: I HATE EXERCISE AND IT HATES ME. Our relationship has been necessary but very hurtful over the years. While it has tracked me down and caught me when I tried to escape and though I have cheated on Mr. Exercise with chocolate cake and ice cream, it has always lurked there, in the background. Acting like a clingy boyfriend who just can't take a hint. And although Mr.Exercise has seduced me onto the treadmill with the promise of weight loss or better mobility I can never forget his affair with surgery and rehab. So if you feel the same way or would like to tell me about your experience with Mr Exercise take the poll or write a comment. But don't let him know, he is the jealous type, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Exercises guilts me all the time. It takes so much effort on my part to make time for him that I wish I never met him sometimes. I always feel better after I'm finished with him, but then I waste the effort by going to dinner and eating not the best of foods. I think he's a man you either love or hate.
